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CATEGORIES); $ct_r = ''; while ($category = $sql_cat_query->fetch_array()) { $themeData['category_id'] = $category['id']; $themeData['category_name'] = $category['name']; $themeData['category_image'] = $category['image']; $numbergames = $GameMonetizeConnect->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . GAMES . " where category=" . $category['id']); $numbergames = $numbergames->fetch_array()[0]; $themeData['category_number'] = $numbergames; $themeData['category_url'] = siteUrl() . '/category/' . slugify($category['name']); $ct_r .= \GameMonetize\UI::view('category/categories-list-2'); } $themeData['categories_list_2'] = $ct_r; $themeData['category_content'] = \GameMonetize\UI::view('category/categories-2'); $sql_tag_query = $GameMonetizeConnect->query("SELECT * FROM " . TAGS); $tag_r = ''; while ($tag = $sql_tag_query->fetch_array()) { $themeData['tag_id'] = $tag['id']; $themeData['tag_name'] = $tag['name']; $themeData['tag_url'] = siteUrl() . 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" ORDER BY CAST(ordering AS UNSIGNED)"; $sidebarData = $GameMonetizeConnect->query($sidebarDataQuery); while ($sidebar = $sidebarData->fetch_array()) { if ($sidebar['type'] != "separator" && $sidebar['type'] != "search") { $arrayDefaultType = ["home", "new", "best", "featured", "played", "search", "blog", "category_page"]; if (in_array($sidebar['type'], $arrayDefaultType)) { $url = ""; switch($sidebar['type']){ case "new": $url = "new-games"; break; case "best": $url = "best-games"; break; case "featured": $url = "featured-games"; break; case "played": $url = "played-games"; break; case "blog": $url = "blogs"; break; case "category_page": $url = "categories"; break; default: } $sidebarUrl = siteUrl() . "/" . $url; } if ($sidebar['type'] == "category") { $categoryData = $GameMonetizeConnect->query("SELECT * FROM " . CATEGORIES . " WHERE id = {$sidebar['category_tags_id']} LIMIT 1"); if ($categoryData !== null) { $categoryData = $categoryData->fetch_array(); $sidebarUrl = siteUrl() . "/category/" . $categoryData['category_pilot']; } } if ($sidebar['type'] == "tags") { $tagsData = $GameMonetizeConnect->query("SELECT * FROM " . TAGS . " WHERE id = {$sidebar['category_tags_id']} LIMIT 1"); if ($tagsData !== null) { $tagsData = $tagsData->fetch_array(); $sidebarUrl = siteUrl() . 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CHOOSE ANY GAME TAG AND START PLAYING NOW!"; $pageDescription = "Looking for a game of a certain type? Check out the extensive list of game categories. We have been labeling games using tags and categories for more than a decade. This page list hundreds of different tags representing entire collections of games that can be played in a browser."; } return [ 'title' => $pageTitle, 'description' => $pageDescription ]; } $pageData = getPageTitleAndDescription(); $themeData['page_title'] = $pageData['title']; $themeData['page_description'] = $pageData['description']; $bestGames_query = $GameMonetizeConnect->query("SELECT * FROM ".GAMES." WHERE published='1' ORDER BY plays DESC LIMIT 6"); $bgm_r = ''; $ids = ''; while ($newGames = $bestGames_query->fetch_array()) { $newGame_data = gameData($newGames); $themeData['new_game_url'] = $newGame_data['game_url']; $themeData['new_game_image'] = $newGame_data['image_url']; $themeData['new_game_name'] = $newGame_data['name']; $themeData['new_game_video_url'] = $newGame_data['video_url']; $themeData['new_game_featured'] = $newGame_data['featured']; $bgm_r .= \GameMonetize\UI::view('game/list-each/new-games-list'); $ids .= $newGames['game_id'] .','; } $themeData['popular_game_list'] = $bgm_r; if (!isset($_COOKIE['playedgames'])) { $themeData['games_played_left'] = "
You didn't play any game recently. Games you played will appear here.
"; } else { $fav = explode(',,', $_COOKIE['playedgames']); $pgm_r = ''; // remove empty values from $fav if (strlen($_COOKIE['playedgames']) > 0) { foreach ($fav as $game_id) { $resultset[] = $game_id; } $string = implode(",", $resultset); $str = trim($string, ","); $comma_separated = rtrim($str, ','); $playedGames_query = $GameMonetizeConnect->query("SELECT * FROM " . GAMES . " where `game_id` IN (" . $comma_separated . ") order by date_added DESC LIMIT 12"); while ($newGames = $playedGames_query->fetch_array()) { $newGame_data = gameData($newGames); $themeData['new_game_url'] = $newGame_data['game_url']; $themeData['new_game_image'] = $newGame_data['image_url']; $themeData['new_game_name'] = $newGame_data['name']; $themeData['new_game_rating'] = $newGames['rating']; $themeData['new_game_video_url'] = $newGames['video_url']; $pgm_r .= \GameMonetize\UI::view('game/list-each/new-games-list'); } } $themeData['games_played_left'] = $pgm_r; } Superhero Dentist Surgery Game For Kids - Play Online Games Free

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Superhero Dentist Surgery Game For Kids

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Superhero Dentist Surgery Game For Kids
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Superhero Dentist Surgery Game For Kids

Be the best dentist at this Superhero clinic! All our patient is Superhero, who is dedicated to fighting crime, protecting the public, and usually battling supervillains, so their whereabouts are to be kept secret. Treat our patients with crazy tools like mouth spray, dental tweezers, and braces!

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