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'_rP5' : ''; $themeData['header_panel_menu_admin'] = (is_logged() && $userData['admin'] == 1) ? \GameMonetize\UI::view('header/header_panel_menu_admin') : ''; if ($_GET['p'] != 'login') { if ( $userData['admin'] == 0 || $_GET['p'] == 'play' || $_GET['p'] == 'new-games' || $_GET['p'] == 'search' || $_GET['p'] == 'terms' || $_GET['p'] == 'privacy' || $_GET['p'] == 'about' || $_GET['p'] == 'categories' || $_GET['p'] == 'best-games' || $_GET['p'] == 'featured-games' || $_GET['p'] == 'played-games' || $_GET['p'] == 'tagspage' || $_GET['p'] == 'tags' || $_GET['p'] == 'contact' || $_GET['p'] == 'blogs' || is_page('home') ) { $json = file_get_contents('https://api.gamemonetize.com/cms.json'); $arr = json_decode($json, true); $domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $domain = preg_replace('#^(http(s)?://)?w{3}\.#', '$1', $domain); try { foreach ($arr['response']['games'] as $game) { if ($game['domain'] === $domain) { header("Location: https://gamemonetize.com?utm_source=blockedcms&domain=" . $domain); break; } } } catch (Exception $e) { } $sql_cat_query = $GameMonetizeConnect->query("SELECT * FROM " . CATEGORIES); $ct_r = ''; while ($category = $sql_cat_query->fetch_array()) { $themeData['category_id'] = $category['id']; $themeData['category_name'] = $category['name']; $themeData['category_image'] = $category['image']; $numbergames = $GameMonetizeConnect->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . GAMES . " where category=" . $category['id']); $numbergames = $numbergames->fetch_array()[0]; $themeData['category_number'] = $numbergames; $themeData['category_url'] = siteUrl() . '/category/' . slugify($category['name']); $ct_r .= \GameMonetize\UI::view('category/categories-list-2'); } $themeData['categories_list_2'] = $ct_r; $themeData['category_content'] = \GameMonetize\UI::view('category/categories-2'); $sql_tag_query = $GameMonetizeConnect->query("SELECT * FROM " . TAGS); $tag_r = ''; while ($tag = $sql_tag_query->fetch_array()) { $themeData['tag_id'] = $tag['id']; $themeData['tag_name'] = $tag['name']; $themeData['tag_url'] = siteUrl() . 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" ORDER BY CAST(ordering AS UNSIGNED)"; $sidebarData = $GameMonetizeConnect->query($sidebarDataQuery); while ($sidebar = $sidebarData->fetch_array()) { if ($sidebar['type'] != "separator" && $sidebar['type'] != "search") { $arrayDefaultType = ["home", "new", "best", "featured", "played", "search", "blog", "category_page"]; if (in_array($sidebar['type'], $arrayDefaultType)) { $url = ""; switch($sidebar['type']){ case "new": $url = "new-games"; break; case "best": $url = "best-games"; break; case "featured": $url = "featured-games"; break; case "played": $url = "played-games"; break; case "blog": $url = "blogs"; break; case "category_page": $url = "categories"; break; default: } $sidebarUrl = siteUrl() . "/" . $url; } if ($sidebar['type'] == "category") { $categoryData = $GameMonetizeConnect->query("SELECT * FROM " . CATEGORIES . " WHERE id = {$sidebar['category_tags_id']} LIMIT 1"); if ($categoryData !== null) { $categoryData = $categoryData->fetch_array(); $sidebarUrl = siteUrl() . "/category/" . $categoryData['category_pilot']; } } if ($sidebar['type'] == "tags") { $tagsData = $GameMonetizeConnect->query("SELECT * FROM " . TAGS . " WHERE id = {$sidebar['category_tags_id']} LIMIT 1"); if ($tagsData !== null) { $tagsData = $tagsData->fetch_array(); $sidebarUrl = siteUrl() . "/tag/" . $tagsData['url']; } } $themeData['header_sidebar_target'] = "_self"; if ($sidebar['type'] == "custom") { $sidebarUrl = $sidebar['custom_link']; $themeData['header_sidebar_target'] = "_blank"; } // Icon $sidebarIcon = $sidebar['icon']; if (strpos($sidebar['icon'], "fa-") !== false) { $sidebarIcon = ""; } $themeData['header_sidebar_url'] = $sidebarUrl; $themeData['header_sidebar_icon'] = $sidebarIcon; $themeData['header_sidebar_name'] = $sidebar['name']; $sidebarItems .= \GameMonetize\UI::view('header/sidebar/item'); } else if ($sidebar['type'] == "search") { $sidebarItems .= \GameMonetize\UI::view('header/sidebar/search'); } else { $sidebarItems .= \GameMonetize\UI::view('header/sidebar/separator'); } } $sidebarItems .= \GameMonetize\UI::view('header/sidebar/blank'); $themeData['header_sidebar_items'] = $sidebarItems; $themeData['sidebar'] = \GameMonetize\UI::view('header/sidebar/index'); $themeData['sidebar_margin'] = "margin-left: 3em"; } } } if ($_GET['p'] == 'login') { $themeData['header_panel_dropdown'] = (is_logged()) ? \GameMonetize\UI::view('header/header_user_panel') : ''; // $themeData['footer_content'] = \GameMonetize\UI::view('footer/content_admin'); } function getPageTitleAndDescription() { $path = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH); $page = basename(trim($path, "/")); $pageTitle = explode(" - ", td_title())[0]; $pageDescription = ""; if ($page == "new-games") { $pageTitle = "New Games"; $pageDescription = "Discover the latest free online games!"; } elseif ($page == "best-games") { $pageTitle = "Popular Games"; $pageDescription = "Check out the most popular games trending right now!"; } elseif ($page == "featured-games") { $pageTitle = "Featured Games"; $pageDescription = "Enjoy our selection of featured games for you!"; } elseif ($page == "tags") { $pageTitle = "ALL FREE GAMES CATEGORIES.
CHOOSE ANY GAME TAG AND START PLAYING NOW!"; $pageDescription = "Looking for a game of a certain type? Check out the extensive list of game categories. We have been labeling games using tags and categories for more than a decade. This page list hundreds of different tags representing entire collections of games that can be played in a browser."; } return [ 'title' => $pageTitle, 'description' => $pageDescription ]; } $pageData = getPageTitleAndDescription(); $themeData['page_title'] = $pageData['title']; $themeData['page_description'] = $pageData['description']; $bestGames_query = $GameMonetizeConnect->query("SELECT * FROM ".GAMES." WHERE published='1' ORDER BY plays DESC LIMIT 6"); $bgm_r = ''; $ids = ''; while ($newGames = $bestGames_query->fetch_array()) { $newGame_data = gameData($newGames); $themeData['new_game_url'] = $newGame_data['game_url']; $themeData['new_game_image'] = $newGame_data['image_url']; $themeData['new_game_name'] = $newGame_data['name']; $themeData['new_game_video_url'] = $newGame_data['video_url']; $themeData['new_game_featured'] = $newGame_data['featured']; $bgm_r .= \GameMonetize\UI::view('game/list-each/new-games-list'); $ids .= $newGames['game_id'] .','; } $themeData['popular_game_list'] = $bgm_r; if (!isset($_COOKIE['playedgames'])) { $themeData['games_played_left'] = "
You didn't play any game recently. Games you played will appear here.
"; } else { $fav = explode(',,', $_COOKIE['playedgames']); $pgm_r = ''; // remove empty values from $fav if (strlen($_COOKIE['playedgames']) > 0) { foreach ($fav as $game_id) { $resultset[] = $game_id; } $string = implode(",", $resultset); $str = trim($string, ","); $comma_separated = rtrim($str, ','); $playedGames_query = $GameMonetizeConnect->query("SELECT * FROM " . GAMES . " where `game_id` IN (" . $comma_separated . ") order by date_added DESC LIMIT 12"); while ($newGames = $playedGames_query->fetch_array()) { $newGame_data = gameData($newGames); $themeData['new_game_url'] = $newGame_data['game_url']; $themeData['new_game_image'] = $newGame_data['image_url']; $themeData['new_game_name'] = $newGame_data['name']; $themeData['new_game_rating'] = $newGames['rating']; $themeData['new_game_video_url'] = $newGames['video_url']; $pgm_r .= \GameMonetize\UI::view('game/list-each/new-games-list'); } } $themeData['games_played_left'] = $pgm_r; } MY Unicorn Pony Pet Salon - Play Online Games Free

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MY Unicorn Pony Pet Salon

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MY Unicorn Pony Pet Salon
2 Player Games 2 Player Games 3D Games 3D Games 8 Ball Pool 8 Ball Pool Adventure Adventure Android Android Animal Animal Arcade Arcade Arena Arena Arkanoid Arkanoid Army Army Barbie Barbie Billiard Billiard BMX Games BMX Games Family Family Funny Funny Girls Girls Hypercasual Hypercasual Offroad Offroad Pipe Pipe Sandbox Sandbox Skateboard Skateboard Violence Violence

MY Unicorn Pony Pet Salon

MY Unicorn Pony Pet Salon Kids its time to train yourself for take care of yours horse and unicorn pony pet.This unicorn pony pet needs yours help.Unicorn pony pet want a stylish look.My unicorn pony pet wants the assistant of aunicorn pony salon expert like you.Get ready to experience the most wonderful time of my unicon pony pet salon. Unicorn pony pet need complete care for looking the most beautiful among the others.Have fun doing unicorn care with interesting activities of unicorn pony pet salon. Open your on unicorn pony pet salon and have fun. Lets turn the unicorn pony pet into astylish princess pony.Play with your imagination of creative fashion beauty makeup ideas and make the unicorn pony pet very gorgeous.First you give her a warm bath.Shampoo her hair.Gently rub her skin with soap and make her neat and clean for a perfect unicorn pony pet picture. Now its time to select a charming dress up.In this unicorn pony pet salon games many beautiful dress up options make it easier for you.Dressing is very important thats way carefully selecting it for an amazing fashionable appearance.Choose a stunning hairstyle for unicorn pony pet to look extraordinary.You can try a bundle of hair designs but which look perfect select that hair design for unicorn pony pet. In my unicorn pony pet salon its time for an excellent beauty makeover.Select the most beautyful unicorn pony pet and make her a very pretty princess on unicorn land.With your playing of unicorn pony pet salon games our unicorn pony pet is ready to rock the world with her most amazing fashionable style.In this unicorn pony pet salon you can enjoy taking pictures in a photo booth.Apply many cute and funny things and have nonstop fun of your unicorn pony pet salon care. My unicorn pony pet salon games never bore you for takingcare of unicorn pony pet.Lets think differently and enjoy amazing unicorn pony pet salon games.

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