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" ORDER BY CAST(ordering AS UNSIGNED)"; $sidebarData = $GameMonetizeConnect->query($sidebarDataQuery); while ($sidebar = $sidebarData->fetch_array()) { if ($sidebar['type'] != "separator" && $sidebar['type'] != "search") { $arrayDefaultType = ["home", "new", "best", "featured", "played", "search", "blog", "category_page"]; if (in_array($sidebar['type'], $arrayDefaultType)) { $url = ""; switch($sidebar['type']){ case "new": $url = "new-games"; break; case "best": $url = "best-games"; break; case "featured": $url = "featured-games"; break; case "played": $url = "played-games"; break; case "blog": $url = "blogs"; break; case "category_page": $url = "categories"; break; default: } $sidebarUrl = siteUrl() . "/" . $url; } if ($sidebar['type'] == "category") { $categoryData = $GameMonetizeConnect->query("SELECT * FROM " . CATEGORIES . " WHERE id = {$sidebar['category_tags_id']} LIMIT 1"); if ($categoryData !== null) { $categoryData = $categoryData->fetch_array(); $sidebarUrl = siteUrl() . "/category/" . $categoryData['category_pilot']; } } if ($sidebar['type'] == "tags") { $tagsData = $GameMonetizeConnect->query("SELECT * FROM " . TAGS . " WHERE id = {$sidebar['category_tags_id']} LIMIT 1"); if ($tagsData !== null) { $tagsData = $tagsData->fetch_array(); $sidebarUrl = siteUrl() . 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CHOOSE ANY GAME TAG AND START PLAYING NOW!"; $pageDescription = "Looking for a game of a certain type? Check out the extensive list of game categories. We have been labeling games using tags and categories for more than a decade. This page list hundreds of different tags representing entire collections of games that can be played in a browser."; } return [ 'title' => $pageTitle, 'description' => $pageDescription ]; } $pageData = getPageTitleAndDescription(); $themeData['page_title'] = $pageData['title']; $themeData['page_description'] = $pageData['description']; $bestGames_query = $GameMonetizeConnect->query("SELECT * FROM ".GAMES." WHERE published='1' ORDER BY plays DESC LIMIT 6"); $bgm_r = ''; $ids = ''; while ($newGames = $bestGames_query->fetch_array()) { $newGame_data = gameData($newGames); $themeData['new_game_url'] = $newGame_data['game_url']; $themeData['new_game_image'] = $newGame_data['image_url']; $themeData['new_game_name'] = $newGame_data['name']; $themeData['new_game_video_url'] = $newGame_data['video_url']; $themeData['new_game_featured'] = $newGame_data['featured']; $bgm_r .= \GameMonetize\UI::view('game/list-each/new-games-list'); $ids .= $newGames['game_id'] .','; } $themeData['popular_game_list'] = $bgm_r; if (!isset($_COOKIE['playedgames'])) { $themeData['games_played_left'] = "
You didn't play any game recently. Games you played will appear here.
"; } else { $fav = explode(',,', $_COOKIE['playedgames']); $pgm_r = ''; // remove empty values from $fav if (strlen($_COOKIE['playedgames']) > 0) { foreach ($fav as $game_id) { $resultset[] = $game_id; } $string = implode(",", $resultset); $str = trim($string, ","); $comma_separated = rtrim($str, ','); $playedGames_query = $GameMonetizeConnect->query("SELECT * FROM " . GAMES . " where `game_id` IN (" . $comma_separated . ") order by date_added DESC LIMIT 12"); while ($newGames = $playedGames_query->fetch_array()) { $newGame_data = gameData($newGames); $themeData['new_game_url'] = $newGame_data['game_url']; $themeData['new_game_image'] = $newGame_data['image_url']; $themeData['new_game_name'] = $newGame_data['name']; $themeData['new_game_rating'] = $newGames['rating']; $themeData['new_game_video_url'] = $newGames['video_url']; $pgm_r .= \GameMonetize\UI::view('game/list-each/new-games-list'); } } $themeData['games_played_left'] = $pgm_r; } Cute World Craft - Play Online Games Free

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Cute World Craft

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Cute World Craft
3D Games 3D Games Adventure Adventure Blocky Blocky Crafting Crafting Creation Creation Minecraft Minecraft Sandbox Sandbox

Cute World Craft

Cute World Craft is an open-world sandbox where you can create the 3D world with your own rules, play survival mode or make game levels using built-in interactive game objects. Cute World Craft is a symbiosis of game mechanics of two games - Minecraft and Portal. Here you can build with standard blocks, carry physical objects, place them wherever you want. In Creative you can generate beautiful 3D blocky landscapes by changing map settings: make your world endless or limited, set a time of the day, change a height of hills, set the world full of lava or water, regulate the number of enemies, animals, trees, physical objects on the map. Various game mechanics let you make games on your own by using such interactive game elements as locked doors, portalgun and portal-able surfaces, teleports, timers, checkpoints, blocks replicator, TNTs, trampolines, elevators, vanishing and ice blocks, flashlight, pickaxes and so on. Or maybe you like to construct? No problem! Build doll house, castle or even small town and decorate your creations with many items. You can play with different physical objects such as bouncing balls and cubes, trampolines, make portals and throw things into it, place replicator and copy things just for fun! In Survival mode you should explore 5 different biomes and collect resources to craft a new stuff. Build a shelter and find a flashlight because the nights in Cute World Craft is really dark! You are not alone in this world, here are friends and enemies, cute animals with different behaviors, traders in abandoned houses are ready to swap different things with you. Fight enemies - Monster Heads, collect their masks, combine it and get a compass to find a way to the Final Boss - Hivot. Punch all Hivots teeth out, defeat him and children will be freed from the power of the monster and drop their masks. FEATURES - 100 standard blocks to build (including most common Minecraft blocks such as cobblestone, sand, bricks, bedrocks, grass, leaves); - 400+ dynamic physics objects to make games level (decorations, checkpoints, winpoint, timers, etc.); - 24 ready-made blocks of buildings and big trees; - musical blocks to create simple melodies; - unique Symmetry mode which allows you to place one cube and it could be mirrored 2 or 4 times to build your world faster; - Mobile Interface to play on tablets and smartphones; - change projects settings (field of view, render distance, shadows, etc.); - save your progress and game levels; - play and modify the games of other users; - share your project to let other people play it!

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